The Rock Matt M. I want to tell you about the rock. The rock likes to hide and if people bother him, he comes out. The rock lives in a cave. He sleeps in the daytime and he comes out at night and he catches bugs and when people bother him he will eat their brains instead. Let me tell you about what the rock looks like. His body is big and it has three colors, blue, green and purple. The purple is on the left side, the green is in the middle and the blue is on the right. My monster has two arms that are green. His left foot is blue and his right foot is purple. My monster has a red hat on his head, and he has two eyes that stick up like antennas. The antenna part of his eyes is orange and the eyeball part is green and blue. He has a big mouth and 12 teeth on the top and the bottom and a tongue out of his mouth. He has slime running off his tongue. People think the rock is mean, but he's actually quite nice and he is only mean when people bother him. His enemies are people. He jumps up and sucks the person's brains out. He does this because he wants to be smarter. Now the rock lives in a forest with other monsters.