Ssenaem Emily B. Do you know about the ssenaem? Well of course you don't, scientist just found out about the little creepy thing. My mom and I just found out. It's a little freaky when you don't know about it. Since you don't know about it. I mean you don't know where it lives or if it is bad or not. So let me tell you. But don't be too scared he does have a weakness, I'll tell you later on. First things first, now I will tell you where the thing lives, this creature lives under your bed! It waits until you're snoozing then it licks your fingers Yuck! Then it will spread the disease. Then it will get into your binder and eat your homework. So when you go to school and saysthat a monster ate their homework nobody will believe them. OK, I don't know exactly what the ssenaem looks like but I will give you the description the newspaper gave us. The ssenaem has a long body that is a violet colored with a lighter color of violet slime on its body, with four long arms,two toward the top and two toward the bottom ,with three fingers sticking out of each one. On each arm there is another set of arms but they are solid gold,that's why everybody wants to catch the ssenaem. Now lets talk heads. The sseaems head has two big eyes and three little ones below it. Then below that is a big red mouth with a green tongue, which is always sticking out. Now for the hair, the sseneams hair is going every direction with a dark green color, with its head that's a light blue,with red eyes. I'm going to be totally honest, the ssenaem is totally stupid. He can't even tell the difference between right and wrong! But he does have his smart side. I mean, a stupid monster could not think of eating homework and being covered for it. But you could say something and it would believe you since the sseaem is so gullible. I will give you a little clue, if you want to know if you have the disease of the sseaem just spell it's name backward and see what pops up. P.S. You can change!