Stricker Jayden Strickers favorite food is bear. He lives in Englend. He lives in a castle .He flies around the world. His best friend is Capten Crunck. First you draw a round head.Then you make 7 snakes coming stright out of the top of his head for his hair . The snake s are red. You put a neck with a ovel body . Then you make blue kite shaped wings come from his neck. On his wings there is a u shaped bone on top and the tip of his wingsare red. On his head in the middle there is a horn the horn is ornge . On the ovel shaped body on each side there are 3 arems .The arems are green. On the bodem of the ovel shaped body there are bird feet with 3 taos . The body is brown in the middle thereis a 2 headed snake one side is blue the other is redthe snake is faced down.In the middle of the head there is a green circle with a squer inside it. There is a dote in the middle of the squer, in each corner thereis a blue line to the dote.The green arems have3 fingers. In the middle of the yellow head there are 10 teeth with blood dripping off.