FUZZY ELIZABETH My monster is named Fuzzy. Fuzzy is very hairy. The hair is as long as Porcupine quills. He has a smile that can melt your heart. Fuzzy has a big long tail. It's as long as the biggest extension cord. He is as tall as a two story building. His favorite place to go is heaven. In heaven he likes to visit his friends Angel, Woody, and Growler. His favorite food is pixie dust, angel pie, and bubble minestrone. Fuzzy's head is a big round turquoise circle with pink poke-a-dots. He has a big green oval eye. It is in the middle of his forehead. His mouth is a big purple square, with no teeth. Fuzzy has no nose. His body is a big round turquoise circle with pink poke-a-dots. He is fatter than the largest human being. His arms are the longest that you've ever seen. His finger nails are transparent so you can't see them. His legs are taller than a grown tree they are so big that even a shrub can't fit on his big toe. That is my monster Fuzzy.