Slimer Isaiah V. Let me tell you about Slimer. Slimer eats bugs and brains because he thinks he'll get smarter. The only way you can get your brain back is if you catch him and leave him in a glass cage with a heat light for three days. On the third day you tell him, 'Give me my brain or I will leave you in it for three days again.' Slimer only comes out at night. The only time he would come out is if a person bothers him. He will jump out of his cave, jump onto him, and suck his brains. Let me tell how Slimer looks. He has a large pear shaped body. The right half of his body is blue, the left side is red. He has three eyes. The first antenna is green. On the left it starts almost on the very top and comes down almost to the bottom. The other antenna is on the other side but it's orange. There is one more that goes straight up in between the other antennas. It is green. Slimer has 29 teeth. The left half of the mouth is green. The right half is yellow. He has two hands. The left one is red, the right one is blue. He has two feet. The left one is blue the right one is red. Both feet face away from the body. Let me tell you about Slimer's behavior. He is really greedy. If he gets woken up he will get really mad and he will keep you awake all night. He is mad most of the time he's up. Since there is no way to keep him from getting mad, I suggest you stay away from him.