Mrs. Carla Kaymen Carmen and Kayla Head: take the circle tool and make it an inch long head colored with a fuchsia color {pinkish purple color} with a little red rounded rectangular nose with tiny blue spray painted eyes along with curly snake antlers at the top of his head with a scarlet colored smile. She has a triangle hat that is yellow with little orange fuzzies at the top. Body: she has three rounded rectangular shapes, lime green at the top with a robin blue color in the second shape and salmon pink color at the bottom and fat black lines to separate the shapes. Arms: The arms are red rectangles with little yellow rectangles in the middle of her arms with three little orange squares as fingers. She holds in each hand a little blue flower with a yellow center. Legs: They are fat yellow squiggly lines with rounded rectangular orange feet. Kayla and Carmen At Trinity School. Have fun doing your monster!!!