Frankenstein Addison My monster has a head that is about two inches in width and three inches length. At the top of his head he has three spikes that are spaced out. He has two eyes that are round that have little strings from the top of his head. the one on right is green. The one on the left is gray. There is a gray dot in his left. He has a green dot in his right. He has a black dot in the center of his face for a nose. At the bottom of his head he has a orange rectangle and a red circle in the middle. He has a body that looks like a triangle but it does not have a point. At the bottom of his body instead of a point like a triangle that is purple. There is a gray circle close to the bottom. In the circle there is a thing that looks like Saturn, but it is white. He has red hands that are thick. At the end of his hands are a black square. In the middle of the square is a little white circle. His pants are long and blue. In the middle of his pants there is a black line. He does not have feet. His feet are like a skateboard but it has bigger wheels and is longer. In the wheels there is a white dot in the middle.