Megan's MOnster Megan 1. Click on the dark green paint at the bottom of the screen and make a square with the rectangle tool about 6cm long by 8cm wide and about 3cm down from the top of the page. 2. Fill the square in with dark green paint. 3. Take the rounded rectangle tool. 4. Click on the orange paint. 5. Make a small rounded rectangle about 1cm long by 2cm wide, about 3cm down from the top of the rectangle and at the left of the green rectangle. Fill in the rectangle with orange paint. This is one eye. 6. Click on the select tool that is shaped like a rectangle and make a box around the orange rounded rectangle. 7. Copy the rounded rectangle and paste it 3cm to the right of the first one on the green square. 8. Click on the paintbrush tool and change it to the biggest circle. 9. Click on the black paint and make two black circles with the paintbrush tool in the centre of each rounded rectangle. These are the eyes. 10. Using the rectangle tool, make a lavender rectangle about 1cm down from the eyes. The rectangle should be 1cm long by 2cm wide. Fill it in with lavender paint. This is the nose. 11. With the circle tool, make an oval that is 2cm below the nose. It should be 1cm long by 5cm wide. Fill it in with the darkest blue paint. This is the mouth. 12. Take the rounded rectangle tool and make a dark blue rectangle about 9cm long by 6cm wide with no space between the head and the rectangle. Fill in the rectangle with dark blue paint. 13. Take the line tool and change it to the biggest size. 14. Using the dark purple paint, make two lines, one below the other, just under the round part of the rectangle. They should be about 10cm long each. Connect them with another line at the end and fill it in with dark purple paint. This is an arm. 15. Copy the arm and paste it close to the other side of the body. Go to Image at the top of the screen. Go to flip/rotate and click on flip horizontal. Connect the arm to the body. 16. Make two more dark purple lines just like the first two only make them 2cm away from the rounded part of the rectangle at the bottom instead of the top. Connect these two lines with another line just like the first ones. 17. Use the select tool shaped like a rectangle, and copy the rectangle that you just made. Paste the copy at a 2cm distance from the first rectangle. 18. Take the paintbrush and make pale yellow spots all over the blue body. 19. YOUR MONSTER IS FINISHED! Congratulations! See if it looks just like mine.