Dream Guardian Our Class The name of our class monster is the Dream Guardian (DG). He is from a planet far away in a different solar system. The Dream Guardian lives in a cave and only comes out at night. DG's job is to suck up the nightmares and spit out good dreams. The springs on his legs are for hopping from house to house to look for nightmares. DG has a head that looks like a pumpkin, the outline of his head is purple with a green stem on the top. He has blue small ears. On top of his head, on either side of the green stem, he has red devil horns. Give him black short hair, that grows from his ears upward. The dream guardian has small black beady eyes with a red line coming out each side. His mouth is a shape of a star that is colored red and yellow, with a dot of orange in the middle. His nose is a green upside down triangle. Color the inside of his face orange with seven black lines. He has a very strange face! The Dream Guardian has a milk bottle shaped body. Draw an orange spike above his arms and an orange spike in the middle of his body coming out each side. The color of his body is turquoise with a pink zig zag line from side to side in the middle of his body. Our monster has a big job to do so we have given him four muscular, squiggly arms. The top two arms are on either side of his body right under an orange spike, near the neck. The top left arm is blue. The top right arm is green. Each has an orange hand with five red fingers. On the middle of each top hand is a red dot. The two bottom arms are above the legs, right under the middle orange spikes. Both bottom squiggly, muscular arms are dark red. The hands on these arms are green. The five fingers have red long fingernails. All the arms have black dots on them. Do you remember that we told you that the Dream Guardian uses his springy legs to help him travel? His two legs are light blue with orange dots on them. On either side of each leg are two large black curved spikes (four all together). At the bottom of each leg, instead of a foot you will find four long black springs. Put him together and maybe he will protect your town from nightmares, too.