*Twinkle* Caroline *TWINKLE* is a star who lives north of Mars and just under Planet Snack. The stench of his body odor could kill a skunk because ELBIRROH RODO has infected him. The most beautiful eyes in our solar system lie on the star-shaped face of *TWINKLE*. They are the same shape as his body, star-shaped. His eyes are outlined in black and have a big, black pupil in the center. The color of his body is yellow. His nose looks like an O tipped on its side. It is orange. The mouth of this magnificent monster, is rectangular-shaped, but with raised top right, and left-hand, corners. A cigarette hangs out of the bottom right-hand corner. The back of his mouth is red. zigzag lines are in between the so-called, 'arm and leg' area. Its armpit hair - EWW!!! - there are about four hairs and they are black. His eyebrows look the same, except there are only two, and one lies on top of each eye, maybe a little bit further up. His teeth are perfectly in line, but they are only on the top of his mouth. The bottom teeth are in a triangular shape, and there are only two of them in the center. It has grey pointed hooks for hands. These point upward. He wears a dark blue top hat with a light blue bow tied around it. He also wears purple sneakers.