Courtney's monster Courtney 1. My monster has 1 head. 2. My monster has 3 eyes. 3. My monster has pointy ears. 4. My monster has a mouth. 5. My monster has 1 arm on each side. 6. My monster has pointy fingernails. 7. My monster has 3 fingernails and 3 toenails. 8. My monster's eyes are blue. 9. My monster's teeth are white. 10. My monster is brown 11. My monster is laying in the grass. 12. My monster has pink ears at the top. 13. My monsters ears are in the blue sky. 14. My monster has butterflies around him. 15. My monster is by the sun and the sun is blue. 16. My monster is hairy. 17. My monster is a girl. 18. My monster is almost holding a butterfly. 19. My monster has lips. 20. My monster's lips are gray. 21. My monster's butterflies are red and blue. 22. My monster's body is round. 23. My monster has big ears. 24. My monster has blue horns on top of his head.