Ole Rickety Sarah My monsters name is Ole Rickety. His body looks like an upside down 'T' on top of an upside down 'V.' He is made of four boards. One of them is his head, one is both of his arms, and two are his legs. His golden-yellow body has jagged edges. His head is the bottom of the upside down 'T'. It is 2-' in. tall, ' wide. His eyes are 1 ' cm. from the top. His pupils are ' cm. wide, 1/5 cm. tall with blue pupils. The top of his nose is 1 cm. from the top. His nose is ' cm. tall, ' cm. wide, and blue. His mouth is 1cm. wide and ' tall with 8 raspberry teeth. There's 1 nail at the bottom of the headboard. His arm board is horizontal, 2 1/8 cm. long, and ' cm. wide. 2 nails are at the base of the arm to hold on the legs. His legs are 2-' cm. in. long each, ' in. wide and & cm. apart. There is one nail on each leg connecting one board to another.