Fred Carissa How To Draw 'Fred' By Carissa Steinburg Start with the paper facing vertically. Draw a circle about 5 inches wide on the top half of the paper. (A little bit bigger than your fist.) Draw an upper-case 'U' about the width of your thumb in the center of the circle. About ' inch directly above the 'U' (which is the nose) draw a circle that is about 1 inch wide. This is Fred's one and only eye. Inside the circle, draw a vertical oval (more tall than wide). This is the pupil of Fred's eye. Draw some eyelashes on Fred's eye. Make them different sizes, strait, and up to a centimeter long. Draw them only on the top half of the eye. Halfway between the nose that looks like a 'U' and the bottom of the big circle, draw a horizontal oval (more wide than tall). Make this oval about 2 inches wide, and a inch tall. This is Fred's half-open mouth. Now draw Fred some fangs (sharp teeth) by drawing triangles inside the mouth. Make them hanging from the top half of the oval with the points facing down. You should have about 5 fangs. Turn the paper upside down. Draw an upper-case 'Y' on the top of the big circle. The bottom part of the 'Y' should be touching the highest part of the circle. Make the 'Y' about 2 inches tall. Turn the paper back the right way. Fred now has legs. Color in the small oval of the eye black. Color the teeth blue. Color the rest of the eye red, and the rest of the mouth red. Color the rest of the body and face a yellowish green. ALL DONE! Say hello to FRED!