Goro Omar Goro To draw Goro you'll need a pencil, paper and a ruler. First draw 2 strong looking legs, the legs should be 2 millimeters apart from each other. The legs should be an inch long on the bottom of your paper (in the middle) then make feet connected to the bottom of the legs the legs should a millimeter high and a centimeter long. Now connect a body to the top part of the legs (were you started making the legs). Make 4 arms 2 on one side and 2 on the other and (make sure that the arms look strong and are a millimeter apart). Then make each hand with 5 fingers at the end of each arm. Now make a centimeter line above the last 2 and make sure they are both sides, then close in the line except the middle of it for the neck. Make a half a millimeter size for the neck than make the head connected to the neck and make it a centimeter long and wide than make it any way you want to but it must have eyes a nose and a devilish grin. Now make a scorpion tail, draw strong looking and after that connect a needle and color it. Goro's purpose in life is to detect and demolish.