Rainbow Bunny Susan Rainbow Bunny To start off on Rainbow Bunny, you have to make a capital 'C' for the head. The body looks like a giant 'C' turned around. The 4 feet look like the bottom of golf clubs. His ears look like long bunny ears. Rainbow Bunny has a carrot on the left ear at the end. To color Rainbow Bunny, you have to make the ears, head, body and the 4 feet. The colors of the 4 feet are light green and creamy orange, half of each leg is green and the other half is orange. For all the spots, you will have to make them all in squiggly shapes. On the head, there are two spots that are creamy orange, one spot is pink, one spot is light green and two spots are blue. In the green spot, there is his eye with a black pupil and a skinny smiley mouth. The colors for the body are: three blue spots, four pink spots, three green spots, and five creamy orange. The colors of his ears are light green, pink, blue, creamy orange and yellow. Let's see if you color them the same as they are. It's a mystery for you to solve. His tail is a back words 'C' and is white but outlined in black. Remember, all the spots are squiggly shapes'don't forget!