Shape Master Jayme Monster Before we can start, you need to get a ruler, pencil, and crayons, read through the directions, and face your paper vertical. Then you may start! The first thing to do is to draw an oval with 2-centimeters horizontal and 2 '-centimeters vertical in the middle of the page. Make another oval directly 1-inch above the first one with the same measurements. In the center of each oval, draw a circle 1-centimeter in diameter. In the center of each circle mark a dot 2-decimeters in diameter. In-between the centers of each oval draw a straight vertical line connecting the two ovals. At the bottom of the lower oval, draw two lines, 1-centimeter apart, straight down at the center, 1-inch long. At the bottom of each line draw a square '-inch around. On the center of the outside edge on the right and left of the bottom oval draw a horizontal line 2 '-centimeters long. Do the same thing to the top oval only make the lines 1-centimeter long. At the end of the lines on the bottom oval draw one right angled triangle 2 '-centimeters tall and 1 '-centimeters long with the center of the tall side touching the end of the horizontal lines. Do the same thing on the top oval with the tall side being 1 centimeter and the width '-centimeter. Color in the triangles with a scarlet colored crayon. In the middle of the lower right hand line draw a strait line with the top of it connecting to the center of the horizontal line 1-centimeter long. On the bottom left hand side do the same thing only have the line be '-centimeter long. On the bottom of the last line that you drew, draw on small parallelogram 1-centimeter in length with the center of the top line connecting to the vertical line. On the bottom of the right hand side draw a trapezoid 1-centimeter with the center of the top line connecting to the vertical line. Color the parallelogram and trapezoid indigo. Measure down '-centimeter from the bottom on top oval on the line that connects the 2 ovals. From that point draw a line down to the right arm of the bottom oval 1-centimeter away from the oval. Do the same thing on the other side only have the line connect the left arm '-centimeter from the oval. Underneath the circles in the ovals, draw a strait horizontal line 1-decimeter below the circle connecting the edges of the ovals. In the centers of the lines that you just drew, draw a strait vertical line down to the bottom of each oval. Color in the squares at the bottom of the monster blue. Color in the squares at the bottom of the monster. Color in the top parts of the oval red. Color the lower left hand side of the ovals purple. Color in the right hand side of the ovals red-violet. When you finish that take a black marker and trace over all the pencil lines and around all the pencil lines and around the shapes. You are done!!