Dragon Tail Courtney I have just drawn a monster and named him Dragon Tail. My monster reminds me of a monster on Monster Inc, a recent movie. He is about 7cm tall and 2 cm wide. He has some interesting features that I would like to describe. I hope you enjoy drawing him. The first thing I will describe is the two wings. They are very pointy. They are closed. They look like a banana on his back. They each have 3 dots on them. My monster is a weird looking thing. Now I will be taking about something else. Another feature is his body. My body is half light blue with dark blue dots. My monster is skinny and it looks like a dragon. It is as shinny as a worm My monster is sitting down.My monsters face looks like a brid with a beck on it. My monsters mouth looks like a big hand. I hope you enjoy drawing my monster Dragon Tail.