Telica Amanda Our monster's name is Telica and she is 10 feet tall. Her head is the size of a basketball. She has 3 eyes, but they are all different colors and the colors are blue, purple, and yellow. Her nose is 5 feet long and has very ugly moles. She has 10 moles - 4 are black and 6 are brown. She has a big black mole on the tip of her nose. Her lips are enormous and circled. She has 15 teeth on the top and 1 brown tooth on the bottom and another one but it is black. Her breath smelles very, bad because she never brushes her teeth. Telica is very lonely she doesn't have any friends not even monster friends. That's why my friend and I are very nice to her. She spooked us the first day we had seen her. Telica lives in a swamp with goo and steam coming up from the top of it.. Telica eats huge crocodiles and any of the frogs that are near her. She offered us some one time but we didn't take it. We told her that we don't eat those things we eat pasta, fries, hamburgers, cakes and a lot of other things. I forgot to tell you that she drinks chocolate swamp shakes. Telica is very scared of eagles because she saw one pick a worm up with its claws. She also likes looking up at the stars at night because she thinks they are very pretty. We went to town one day and we tried to get people to be friends with her, but most of the people we went to just ran away like if she was a beast. We went to a group that was standing in the way and I asked them if they wanted to be her friend and they said why not. So we would all go to the swamp and play. We played there until we got older. I still go there and visit her.