Bubba Frezle Chelsea and Tristan To Draw, Bubba Frezle Jr. 1.First, make one, big, green oval. 2.Next, draw a orange nose that isn't very perfect. It is oval shaped. It should be in the upper middle of the big green oval. 3.Then, draw two thin black lines up out the top of his head. 4.On top of the left line, draw a black oval with a white pupil. On top of the right line, make a white oval that is a smaller oval with a black pupil. 5. For ears, well, just try and make a brown shape that is almost like a human ear but bigger. 6.For the mouth draw two different colored quarter circles one is up side down, one pink that is on the right and one blue attach together on the left. 7.For the legs make two black lines. Then, add one big purple oval on each foot. Then you can add one small oval on each foot. after that you can add one tiny pink skinny oval on each foot for a heel. Your Done! Oh, the (t) in Frezle is invisible but it is not silent.