Tree Man Casey L. Caution, beware, watch out Tree Man is on the loose. Tree Man is a much-feared monster. Children everywhere are scared of Tree Man. He is known to lurk under beds and in the back of closets. Especially where mess and clutter are found. Tree Man hates it when he hears parents say, 'Clean your room,' or 'Put your homework in your backpack.' Tree Man lives on homework and library books. You know the book you thought you lost, Tree Man probably ate it for lunch. Now I suppose you want to know what Tree Man looks like. He is small. Very small. You know the dust mites that gather under your bed or in the back of closets? He is there. You can't really ever get rid of him. But if your room is clean and your closets are clean, then he probably has moved on to another room. Tree Man has a golden colored body. It is shaped like the blade of an ax. (If you turn your paper sideways to draw the shape, then you will have the shape correct.) His blue, fat, triangle feet come straight out of the razor sharp blade of his body. He walks on the fat part of the triangle. His green Brazil nut shaped arms come out of the top of his body. The arms look like the Brazil nut has been chopped in half. The small narrow part connects to his body, with the full arms out, away from his body. His head is also the shape of an ax. The fat parts of the ax shapes are together. Tree Mans head is all hair and eyes. The hair looks like a bridge, surrounding the eyes, gray and flat on top, with an arch over all the eyes. Tree Man has three eyes that are in a half circle that touches the body. Actually, only a thin dark brown outline keeps the eyes apart and from touching the body. Each eye is in the shape of a triangle. These are yellow magic eyes that just have to glow and the homework or library books disappear. When your parents tell you to clean your room, you probably should do it. They have probably have dealt with Tree Man before. Ask them!