Cell Matthew R. Cell This monster is named CELL because it absorbs people with its tail and once he does it he gets the human cells from them and gets stronger and even sometimes he transforms. This monster lives on the planet Namic . He can also survive without oxygen. He doesn't have many friends because he always kills them. He is a real good swords man and he can also hear from long distances. This monster has big muscles. He has a green tail with a point at the end to absorb energy and he is wearing green pants with brown dots and has brown shoulder pads with spikes to kill. He wears big brown boots with black stripes . He is wearing gloves with black cut offs at the fingers with long sharp finger nails . He also has red eyes with horns coming out of his jaw . He has a green and black helmet . He is wearing a blue and yellow muscle shirt and has a cut on the side of his chest. That's what makes him strong.