Circlebody John Circlebody is my monster's name. I will show you how to draw him. First draw a small blue square for his head. Now draw a black half of a circle for his mouth. For the antenna draw a short line up, then curve it. Next draw a small blue circle at the end of the antenna. Draw two white circle eyes like people eyes, right near the top of his head. For his body, draw a green square that is medium size. For his arms make two rectangles that are small and green. The arms are diagonal, one on each side of his body. Now draw a large green circle under the body square. Circlebody has no neck and no legs to walk on he just hops along and he hops a lot. Now I'm going to tell you a story about Circlebody. He likes to hop a lot. He likes to go to town and he likes to go camping in the mountains and seeing my aunt.