Uegly Leslie Uegly is outlined all in blue. He has one medium U-shaped head. The top of his head is flat. His hair is blue-green. It lies flat on his forehead in 5 downward pointing triangles. He has 2 small U-shaped eyes that are closed, one tiny blue U-shaped nose and one large U-shaped mouth that is also blue. His mouth is closed and looks like a big smile. His face is green. His neck is U-shaped and bright yellow. It's right under his head. Uegly's body is U-shaped, flat on the top and blue. It's a little bigger than his head. He has 2 long, skinny, red wings, instead of arms (one on each side of his body)and no hands. The wings are connected to his body at the top of each side. They hang downward slightly and are flat at the top. Uegly's green legs are 2 medium shaped triangles that are pointy at the top and flat at the bottom. They hang straight down and have feet that look like wooden shoes. The point outward and are purple.