Surfin' Birdie Christine 'Hi, I'm Surfin' Birdie! I'm glad you're trying to draw me, too bad I'm in Jamaica right now and I can't pose for you. I am a slim birdie, actually, I'm a regularly bird, except I'm taller, much taller. I can't cook so I usually eat out. I love hamburgers, cheeseburgers, pizza, chicken, and mac and cheese. I'm a strong swimmer, but I can't live without surfing. For most of my life I spend on islands. If you see me, you'll probably be on an island. Yeah, I do visit people that live in the middle of a country; I don't spend all my time on islands. I have condos/sea homes on 5 islands and 2 on coasts. On other places, I stay in motels. He definitely hates Dr. Pusspaw. Not because he's a cat, but because he's an evil cat! To Surfin' Birdie, he should be unwanted everywhere I go! When I was a little bird, he always chased my family. He also used to claw at me. Now he's grown up too. He makes fun of me. I don't care TOO much. (He has a tuna breath.) Most everybody likes me, so they don't care about him. Anyway, I must hurry, the surfing contest is coming up soon. First, for the head, make a two inch horizontal pear-shaped oval. Now, make a big isosceles triangle from the northeast side of the oval. It should look like a triangle almost coming out of the oval you should now erase the two lines where the oval and triangle meet. Now, on the southwest side of the oval, make two small triangles, 1cm on each side. Make sure the triangles are connecting by their corners. This will be the beak. You should now put a human-like eye half an inch from the left side of the 'head.' Now make an eyeball looking to the left, of course in the eye. The body is shaped like a curved capital T. It is kind of like a 'bubble T'. This T-shaped body is also part of the wings. Make the wings pointy on top and slightly curved to the body. The legs are shaped like forks with only three prongs with the spaces between like little arches. They are kinda' skinny an