Roboto Dana My monster's name is Roboto. He is an Alien robot from outer space. He is from planet Jupiter. Roboto likes to eat broccoli and spinach. Roboto is a very friendly monster, but when I first saw him I thought that he would eat me or something! Roboto likes to have fun, so sometimes I let him go in my room and turn on some music. He dances and dances he dances so much that after awhile he just falls to the ground! Roboto also has powers. This is what they are' He can turn invisible and he can fly. He can do this by using these little buttons inside his body. There are all kinds of buttons that can do all sorts of things! That is everything about my monster. So, now that I've told you everything about my monster why don't you learn how to draw him. First, draw a circle that is about 3 ' inches in diameter as a head. Then draw a pear shape, with the top cut off, for the body. The body (or the pear shape) is on the bottom. Next draw three eyeballs about three quarters of an inch from the top of the head. The dots in the eyeballs are in the corner of the eye, the dots in the eyes can go in any corner of the eyes. Next, imagine the head as a clock, and draw the antennae at the 11:00 o'clock position on the left side and the 1:00 o'clock position on the right side. The width of each antenna is 2 millimeters, and the length of each antenna is one inch. Now draw a small circle at the end of each antenna. Then draw a little line coming from the small circle on each side. Then draw a tiny circle coming from each little line. Picture the body as a clock. The arms will be formed at the 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock positions. Draw little lines coming from the body on both sides. Two pairs of parallel lines that are a third of an inch apart form each arm. The arms are an inch and a half long. At the end of each arm is a little circle for the hand. Now draw legs that are about an inch long on either side of the bottom of the pear shape co