Gentle Green Eyes Tory My monster has a face like a human. He has gentle, green eyes. He has a curly, purple beard. He has hair on the top of his head that connects to his beard. On his left cheek he has a green square. On his right cheek he has a green circle. On the top of his head he has ears that point straight up like an arrow. His beard and ears are purple. His stomach is the shape of an oval. In the middle of his stomach is a face with green eyes and an open mouth. The face on his stomach has a "C" for a nose. The face has curly eyebrows that are purple and meet each other in the middle of his face. The rest of the stomach is blue. The monsters right arm goes straight out from its body. The left side of the monster doesn't have an arm just a hand. Both the arm and hand are purple. The monster has normal legs but the right leg is purple and the left is blue.