Hypno-man Steven Hypno- man is a monster without a separate head. Hypno-man has a dome shaped body/head which is 2 and a quarter inches high and 2 and three quarters of an inch wide. Half an inch down in the center from the top of his dome shaped body/head is a black dot. In the middle of his body/head are his wide oval Hypno-glasses that are 1 inch high and cover the whole width of his body. On the left and right sides of his glasses are red hypno-swirls the hypno-swirls go in 5/8 of an inch from the side edge of his body/head. On the right side of his body 1 inch from the bottom is a 3 quarter of an inch long and 1 quarter of an inch high tab which allows Hypno-man to carry his young. On the left bottom corner of him is a half inch long leg (including the foot) which is a quarter inch wide. Make the foot a quarter inch high and a half inch long facing left. In the middle of the bottom of Hypno-man are two 1 inch long diagonal lines extending beneath the dome going left. They are a quarter of an inch apart that get closer until they are an 8th of an inch apart where they will meet a half an inch wheel that has brown spokes inside it. He has a 1 inch round circle inside the dome towards the bottom for a mouth that is lined with red. Color all of him except for his glasses brown.