Rainbow DoubleADJ Our monsters head has rainbow hair on the top and a white beard on the bottom. It has a bottom of a pencil at the top of it's head and a pencil point at the bottom. There is another pencil through it's head. The eraser is at the left and the point is at it's right. There is an upside-down red eye at the bottom. Above the eye is a green ear above that ear is a purple eye. Above is a red nose. To the right is blue and maroon lips. To the left of the nose is a blue ear. His face has pink & blue polka dots. The color of the face is blue, purple, and dark spring green. The body is a turtle shell with spikes and green polka dots. The spikes are black. half of the shell is yellow and the other purple. with hairy pencil arms an with red spots and brown hairs. The body has a tail with pink and blue spots and purple and green swirly lines. He has 2 brown legs with 5 toes that have yellow toe nails. The legs have 5 spikes on each. There are also red spots on the legs. Good Luck!