Xeeexxx Kayla 1. Draw an egg-shaped outline for the alien Xeeexxx's body. 2. Make Xeeexxx's body about 2 inches round. 3. Then insert two round eyes to the middle-top of the egg shape. 4. Complete the eyes with pupils. 5. Attach little regular ears on the sides toward the middle-top outline of the egg shape. 6. Add ear lines to its ears. 7. Add a potato shape for a nose. 8. Draw its mouth on the bottom inside of the nose. 9. Draw nostrils in the top part of the nose. 10.Then attach two octopus legs to the egg shape. 11.Add three more octopus legs. 12.Draw a ' inch stripe down the middle of the alien's body. 13. The stripe should not be going through the nose. 14. Also add wavy bumps on the lower part of body. 15.Erase unneeded lines. 16.Color the stripe blue. 16.Color only two legs orange, two legs yellow, and one leg red. 17.Color its body and nose green. 18.Color the ears the same color as the body. (green)