Stick Man Sydney First you draw a rectangle that is 4 cm. Long and 2cm. wide. Make sure you make the box up and down ways. Draw 2 eyes ON TOP OF THE BOX. Draw a raindrop for the nose. In the middle of the box put on a mouth that's smiling. Put a tongue sticking out of the mouth. Draw 2 straight lines down at the bottom of the box for legs. Draw a circle at the end of each straight line for shoes. Draw a straight line that's 2 cm. Long (at each corner) for the arms. Then draw a twig. One part in the middle one on the side and the other on the other side. The arms are 2 cm. Long. Then draw one side of the box light green and the other side blue. Note: DO NOT color the eyes, tongue, or shoes blue or green. Color the tongue, eyes, and shoes red. Make sure: The eyes are on top. The left side is blue and the other side is LIGHT green.