Werewolf Warrior Joshua First, make a 2 inch long oval. Color it brown. Then make two 3 1/2 inch really skinny triangles and attach it to the top part of the oval. Color it brown. Second, make 2 inch two sharp eyes and put them in middle of the oval. Color them red. Next, make an 8 inch oval and put it under the 2 inch oval. Color it orange. Then, make two 2 inch half crescent moon shapes coming out of the oval. Color them orange. After that, draw one half inch triangle on each side of the 8 inch oval and color them orange. Make some fire coming out of it. Then make 3 1/2 inch arms and attach them to the half crescent moon shapes. Then draw two 3 1/2 inch legs and attach them to the bottom oval. Color them brown. After that, make a long tail through his legs. Color the tail brown. Finally, make two 6 inch swords crossing his back. Color his swords gray.