Mine Blaster Ali U. My monster lives in electrical plants that's were he makes the lights flash and go out, my monster also lives in computers and puts a virus in them .Mymonsters name is mine blaster and he also lives in batteries and makes them go out. Now to draw this monster you have to make a circle in the middle of the page not to big and not to little the circles are orange. In the middle top of the circle draw two little circles about as big as your thumb. In side the little circles draw a pupil that's black. Now draw for veins going north, south, east and west. Also put lines above the eyes to make him look mad. Put an up side down heart were the nose should be. Now put a line were the mouth should be don't make it to small, ok we are almost there now put fangs on the middle out side of the line. Right beside the eyes but out side the circle draw a squiggly line going up and ending like a snake tongue the antennas are black. WAIT read the rest of the next sentence! At the end of the snake tongue put little mine eyeballs exactly like the ones in the big circle. Also put yellow thunder coming out of the top of the little eyeballs. For the arms and legs, they are very simple. The arms are one line with three lines for fingers. Do this at both sides. For the legs do the same thing but make them come out of the bottom and on his tipi toes. Mind blaster eats energy and kids smartness, which makes him smart. His enemies are power protectors and the things that cover light bulbs. What this monster dose to you non-leaning little kids makes you 'well just spell mud backwards and you have my monster.